Peilingen-app voor Eenvandaag


Headless CMS for the EenVandaag polling-app

In the week of March 14 2022 there will be municipal elections in the Netherlands. Commissioned by AVROTROS and in collaboration with Elements, we have implemented a headless CMS for EenVandaag within the polling app renewed by Elements. Users now have optimal insight into the current polls on both desktop and mobile devices.

De Peilingen app van EenVandaag

Snelle content publicatie binnen de app

De Peiling is a part of current affairs program EenVandaag that provides all news and polls for the upcoming municipal elections. In collaboration with market research agency Ipsos and their own opinion panel consisting of more than 70,000 members the political analysis is executed. The panel members are invited weekly to cast their votes. The results of this vote are visualized in the new app, built by Elements in React Native. In order to provide depth around the polls in the form of blogs and articles, we implemented the headless DatoCMS.

Right CMS choice

The choice for headless was already made by EenVandaag. We recommended DatoCMS because of its user-friendliness and the relatively simple application: Allowing content creators to publish their content as quickly and efficiently as possible.


  • Hoge Accessibility

    De app is toegankelijk voor mensen met een visuele beperking.

  • Snelle time-to market

    Binnen 8 weken oplevering van een MVP

Persistent content model

Content modeling is a method for documenting all types of content that organizations need, now and in the future, with the goal of ensuring that the CMS is configured for multiple channels.
With an effective content model in place, EenVandaag is confident that their content strategy is sustainable and scalable, regardless of what new platforms and functionalities they plan to deploy in the future.

Renewed accessible polling-app

For EenVandaag an app has been created that can be used by a broad audience. By adding a voice-over, also the visually impaired can use the app. Partly thanks to the use of React Native and a Headless CMS the app is safe and future proof. The MVP for EenVandaag was delivered in just 8 weeks.

The Polling app went live in March 2022 and was first used by a wide audience around the elections of March 16.

View the app in the Playstore and Appstore here.