Fixami logo


A digital revolution in the tool industry

Whether it's a hand hammer or a powerful pressure washer, Fixami has everything you need to get the job done. Through their innovative e-commerce platform and extensive and exclusive assortment, Fixami serves DIYers and professionals alike. We helped Fixami set a new standard in a traditional industry. We did this by creating an entirely new brand for the entire European market. From strategy and architecture to visual identity and realisation of the frontend their headless platform.

Fixami construction boards

A new brand identity

Fixami aims to become the online supplier of tools in Europe. Enter MakerStreet. Together we set to work shaping the new brand and e-commerce platform.

With its online store, Fixami stands out from the competition. As experts in the field of online operations, Fixami has one important commonality with its customers: craftsmanship. His new mission "Creating Better" establishes a simple but strong connection with customers. "Creating Better" is central to Fixami's new and rich brand identity, which focuses entirely on serving customers online. With a personalized approach to best serve its customers and help them in their craft. This leverages the benefits of online in a traditionally offline industry.

Fixami delivery

From brand to product

In addition to establishing a great brand, optimizing the user experience throughout the customer journey is crucial. But what do Fixami's current and future customers really want? By identifying the target group, testing the usability of the website and thoroughly analyzing buying behavior, we discovered what is most effective for the Fixami target group. Based on this, we designed the ideal customer journey, from the first point of contact to the product detail page, from the checkout process to the search function.In addition, we supported the Fixami team in optimizing all marketing efforts. This began with strategic sessions to determine the key success factors of their website. We then helped set up a measurement plan and implement proper tagging.

Product Detail Page Fixami

Make it better

A new brand identity brought to life on a revamped e-commerce platform. Fixami is ready to realize its international ambitions with a new platform that meets all the needs of professional do-it-yourselfers.

Fixami logo

Award-winning design

The result is impressive. The new logo was awarded a European Design Award Gold. The new corporate identity could really be brought to life thanks to the headless frontend. In close cooperation with our colleagues from Resoluut and Soda Studio, we realised and implemented a design system. For this, we used ReactJS and NextJS. The backend was realised by Fixami's in-house team, with whom we worked closely.

For Fixami, we realised a new custom frontend on top of their new commerce solution. The headless technology allowed us to create a unique brand experience.

Linda van Dijk - Frontend Developer